Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Video Blog Day Twenty Four

Day Twenty Four:

In the last week since I filmed the blog for Day Sixteen, I have experienced so many breakdowns, and have been put in positions where I have been unprepared, with no access to Earth Foods which has left me with the option of eating preservative filled foods making me feel gross...or skipping meals. Here is what I have expereced and learnt in the last week.

Firstly, my laptop died, and I had no other way of filming my blog every three days like I had said, this is where my week started going down hill. I always seem to get very down on myself when I don't stick to my word...and for some reason whenever I feel like I have failed...in whatever it is, I get really really hard on myself and my self sabotage starts.

Whenever I feel like I am doing well at something, it's like my mind freaks out and over thinks it...this is when I start to notice that I do anything I can to stop the success, and prove to myself that I can't do amazing things. I have no idea why I do this, but it's something that I have noticed alot in the past week, especially when it comes to diet and exercise! I noticed myself making excuses and making justifications for why I should eat a certain CRAP Food just because people around me were eating them. (CRAP is a word I use to describe foods containing Colours, that are Refined, Artifical and filled with Preservatives) I have also been making excuses not to exercise...which is so rediculous! About 4 months ago I went through a stage where I was so committed to exercising rain, hail or shine and I felt so good about myself! Lately however, I use any excuse to get out of exercise like the weather, or a headache or having a big day and being 'too tired'.

I feel like the last month has been a test of my character, determination and will power. I have been challenged with health problems, physical problems, emotional confrontations and mental challenges. I honestly thought that I was stronger than what I am, but after reflecting on how I've handled myself after a breakdown in the last month, I feel I have a long way to go.
For some reason it takes me a long time to pick myself up and make a breakthrough when I've had a fall.
I am so determined to keep getting back up after a fall...and I have promised myself that I will look back in 5 months time and say 'Wow, look how far you've come...how strong you are. Good girl, you did me proud.'

In the last week I have been eating about 50% Earth foods, and have not been prepared when I've gone out. I have alot to blog about when my video is back online!

Also, I would love you to write in to sarah@theearthdiet.org with suggestions on future blogs, questions or even advice.
Hopefully you will see my next blog in a day or two, and I'll be back to documenting what I eat, along with physical and mental effects.

No matter how bad things get, things always work out.
Remember to be grateful for everything you have, and everything you don't have.
Thankyou for taking the time to read/watch my blog :)

Love Love Love

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